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Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs: Walkthrough

"Pokemon Ranger: Hikari no Kiseki" for Nintendo DS Walkthrough
By Mykas0
version 1.0

BE SURE TO READ THIS FIRST PART! You can read this faq as long as you
don't change ANY part of it (including this small introduction). Also,
you may NEVER sell this stuff or else you will make me really mad and
maybe I won't work anymore! Finally, if you want to use this faq on your
site you have to mail me and ask me for it, I will almost surely grant it
to you!

While I may not be a very huge fan of the Pokemon series, I decided to
write this guide based on user feedback from my guide for its prequels.
So, once more I want to give thanks to guys at ,
their website is great and some of their information was used (with
permission) to fully complete this guide, and without their help this
wouldn't have been possible. Also, the entire website is a great resource
for Pokemon information, so be sure to pay them a visit.
Also, I am currently accepting donations. In case you liked this guide and
you feel like contributing for my future works (even a $5 online gift 
certificate is fine!), please contact me to the mail stated at the end of
this guide.
Now, please continue reading and I hope you enjoy doing so as much as I
did writing it.

0~. Version History
1~. Walkthrough
    1.1~. First Mission
    1.2~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.3~. Second Mission
    1.4~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.5~. Third Mission
    1.6~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.7~. Fourth Mission
    1.8~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.9~. Fifth Mission
    1.10~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.11~. Sixth Mission
    1.12~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.13~. Seventh Mission
    1.14~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.15~. Eighth Mission
    1.16~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.17~. Ninth Mission
    1.18~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.19~. Tenth Mission
    1.20~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.21~. Eleventh Mission
    1.22~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.23~. Twelfth Mission
    1.24~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.25~. Thirteenth Mission
    1.26~. (More) Walkthrough
    1.27~. Fourteenth Mission
2~. What now?
    2.1~. Quests
    2.2~. Multiplayer Missions
    2.3~. Ranger Net
FAQ~. Frequently Asked Questions
ST~. Special Thanks
EN~. Contacts

0~. Version History

-> version 1.0 <-
- Added two new missions to "Ranger Net".

-> version 0.97 <-
- Added two new missions to "Ranger Net";
-- Added a new question to "Frequently Asked Questions".

-> version 0.96 <-
- Fixed some minor typos.

-> version 0.95 <-
- Completed every section of this guide.

1~. Walkthrough

Just like in my guides for the first two games, I have to start by saying
that while some people may desire so, this walkthrough will simply tell
you what do you need to do in each mission and how to perform it, I will
not be spending my time trying to provide a lot of unuseful information,
or stating stuff as "give two steps to the left and then turn three steps
to the right". Therefore, I will only provide information that I think to
be valuable, and which can indeed matter to a random person who is playing
this game. Now, on to the walkthrough itself...

After selecting the sex of your character, start playing. Eventually, you
will be attacked by a Pidgey, which you can defeat by doing the very same
thing you did in the previous games (come on, if you're reading these
lines I'm sure you've played those other games!). Now, if... for some
weird reason you played none of those previous games, let me make it
simple enough for you - to win this battle you just have to draw quick
circles around that flying Pokemon (it's called a Pidgey!), without ever
lifting your stylus. Got it? Now, do it for the rest of the game, that's
the way you capture creatures around here!

Once the battle is over, you'll have to play a small mini-game, where you
dodge the energy balls thrown at you. It's pretty easy, really, just dodge
them by moving your stylus around, or by using the directional pad. Soon,
a companion of yours will show up and you'll see a longer cutscene, after
which you'll have to play another mini-game. This time, you can move your
character left/right by using your stylus (you'll have to do so in order to
dodge the air bubbles), but you should double-tap + hold it down to make
your character dash, so that he can approach the enemy.

When you finally get to move your character, we'll be in a small island,
and you will get to name him/her. Do it as usual, and then move to the
left, where you'll find your very first save point. There isn't much to do
around here, simply follow the only available path and you'll have to
fight a Pichu. If this is your first time playing a game of the "Pokemon
Ranger" series, you may want to pick the left option for a quick battle
tutorial; otherwise, simply press the right one and you'll head straight
to the battle, which you can win as before, just by quickly circling the
Pichu. Yes, you'll also be able to skip other tutorials by doing this
very same thing, by the way.

Now, there are some more Pokemon in this area, and so I strongly suggest
you explore it well, so that you add as many beasts to your party as
possible. To remove the upper log, simply capture a Sunkern, or a
Bulbasaur, and use one of them to get rid of it. The procedure is the same
as in previous games, if you don't know about it the game even allows you
to see a quick tutorial about it. Keep on following the only possible
path, and be sure to capture the sole Ursaring around. Later, you'll have
to use it to push a boat all the way down, so that you can use it to
travel across the sea. Once you've accomplished that task, talk to the old
man, pick the left option and you'll travel across the sea, accompanied by
a Pichu. After a long cutscene, you'll finally get your first mission!

1.1~. First Mission

There are some new Pokemon around here (and to the right), and you may
want to capture them before taking the upper exit to this area. If you are
wondering about the device placed next to the save point, that's a machine
which fully restores your HP. Now, after taking the upper exit, follow the
only possible path and you'll find yourself in a dark forest, where you'll
be introduced to a new (well, sort of...) feature, in which you can click
the lower right icon to summon your own Pokemon to the battlefield.

There are also many new creatures around, be sure to capture the Stantler,
just in case. Get rid of the log, placed all to the left, with the nearby
Hoothoot, and continue heading up, where you'll fight what seems to be
your first boss battle, or something. I strongly suggest you start by
defeating the Croagunk, since it can cause your more trouble that its
companion; using any sort of bug pokemon may also slightly help you, since
they seem to slow your opponents. Another important tip is that, unlike
what happened in previous games, it seems that you can now lift your
stylus for an unlimited amount of time; use that to your advantage, so
that you can defeat these enemies without much effort.

Afterwards, save your game if you want to, and take the upper exit into
the cave. There are some new Pokemon around here, feel free to capture as
many as you want, but you'll need a Koffing. Use it to get rid of the
boulder on the right, and proceed by the only possible path, where you'll
soon have to fight a Cranidos. He isn't very tough, just be sure to lift
your stylus whenever you see him charging his attack. Once you've defeated
him, a rather unfrequent scene will take place. Ignore it (well, there's
nothing much you can do about it, is there?), and your mission will soon
be over.

1.2~. (More) Walkthrough

Before leaving this cave by the lower exit, go to the lower-left room and
capture the lone Cranidos. Outside of the cave, use him to destroy the
rock blocking your path, and take the path back to the village (if you
brought one all the way here, you can use a Zubat to get rid of the wooden
fence). As you approach the main square, you'll be able to save your game,
and you should then move back to this island's main cottage, the one where
the old man lives. Talk to him again when he has a "..." over his head and
you'll get your very first quest.

Next, talk to the man on the boat and give him the left answer. You'll be
taken back to the first island, go back to the place where you started the
game and you'll have to fight six Sunkern, which you can certainly defeat
without much effort. Go back to the other island, once more by taking the
boat, and talk to the man who requested this quest.

Go back outside and take the road to the cave. You'll fight a Celebi, who
will then take you to some other place, and back. Talk to the old man, he
will be in the same house as before, the Pichu will join you, and you'll
learn how to use him in the battlefield. There are some quests (those are
covered in a different area of this guide!) available around here, you may
want to take them now. When you're ready to proceed, head to the right,
you'll be given your second mission and you'll have to fight a Lapras, who
isn't all that tough but has a lot of HP.

1.3~. Second Mission

After defeating the Lapras, talk to the girl on the beach, the one next to
the one who has blue hair, and pick the left option. You will board the
Lapras and go on an underwater mission. There are several new Pokemon
around here, for obvious reasons, and which you may want to capture. Then,
follow the only possibly path until a strong current prevents you from
proceeding. Get a Corsola on the right and use it to take down the rock,
before approaching the lower exit, where you'll have to fight two enemies
at the same time. Continue heading down and you'll have to play a
mini-game, one you've already seen before, where you'll have to face a
Kingdra. After that, continue going down, the screen will be darker but
you can find the required item in the lower right corner. When you grab
it, you'll be taken all the way back to the beach, and your mission will
end right away.

1.4~. (More) Walkthrough

A new path will open, to the right of the beach you're currently in. Take
it, there are several new Pokemon around here, which you may want to
capture, as always. You'll soon have to fight a Piplup and a Eevee at the
same time, they're not that tough but you may want to capture one at a
time. When you're ready to proceed, take the upper exit and you'll see a
new cutscene. Capture the nearby Totodile and use him to extinguish the
fire on the right, you'll learn about a whole new feature, this one allows
you to combine the efforts of several pokemon to accomplish a task.

Now that you know about this, go back to the previous area and capture
two Buizel, plus a Shellos (he is hiding under the rock, in the beach). Go
back to the area with the fire, use these three creatures on the fire
itself and it'll be put out. You'll be able to save your game. Do it if
you want, and you'll then hear about another new feature, the ability to
upgrade your stats by using your trainer points, i.e. the ones you get
from quests. Anyway, step outside and take the route to the left,
following the only possible path until you see another cutscene. When that
happens, take the upper path, you'll have to fight an Ivysaur, and later a
Wobbuffet, but you should continue following that only possible path until
you spot a cutscene where you'll have to fight three different Pokemon; I
suggest you start by taking out Skuntank, the strongest of the three, but
it is really up to you. Also, if you have your Pichu ready for action,
this may be the best time to use him... Once the battle is over, you'll
see some cutscenes, before heading to your third mission.

1.5~. Third Mission

As awkward as it may look, the guy in the yellow suit actually heals your
health, if you talk to him. Anyway, when you're ready to continue, step
outside and take the upper path. You'll, once more, hear about a new
feature. Capture a Gligar and use it to get rid of the metal blocking your
path. You'll have to fight a Pichu, but continue walking; next, you'll
have to pass across some electrified bridges, time your movements well and
you won't be put into any real danger. Eventually, you'll reach a point
where you'll find some steel bars blocking your path. Use a Electrike to
get rid of those, proceed and you'll have to fight three Pokemon, two Aron
and a Lairon. Obviously start by getting rid of the two little fellows
before focusing on their evolution, which you should probably try to take
down with your Pichu's help.

After the battle, head to the next floor, where the winds may push you
down; nevertheless, try to use the wind currents to your advantage, so
that they help you go down the vertical bridges faster. Next floor, grab
the two Hitmonchan and use them to destroy the debris blocking your path.
I strongly suggest you grab two Gligar, save your game, and then take the
stairs to the next floor, where you'll have to fight a Raikou.

Initially, your enemy will be surrounded by electricity, making it harder
for you to circle him. Instead, summon your Pichu whenever possible, and
use the Gligar (don't forget that, in this game, they recharge after some
time!) whenever possible. Keep on repeating this strategy and, very soon,
your opponent will become unprotected. When that happens, start circling
him, while still using the strategy stated above, with the Pichu and
Gligar as your backups, and you'll do just fine. After the battle, your
mission will be over, and you'll be back outside.

1.6~. (More) Walkthrough

Now, take the lower right exit and go all the way down the mountain, by
taking the path you previously came from. When you see a cutscene, follow
the guards until the bridge is blown up. You'll be able to save your game,
and you'll be taken back to a house. When it becomes possible, step
outside and go back to the old man's house. After that, come back here and
Celebi will appear once more. Once he takes you back, you'll have to draw
a sign in the console's lower screen, after pressing the lightning button
in the lower left. It's sort of difficult to show you the sign here, but
it is something like this:

      / |
        |  /
        | /

Now, by drawing this sign you'll summon a Raikou, which your character can
actually ride. Nevermind the fact that you're riding a legendary Pokemon
across the world, and take him back to the bridge. While standing in the
sparkling spots, hold the direction you want to jump to and hit the 'Y'
button (or you can simply tap it with your stylus); doing so will cause
Raikou to jump over the gap, an action you should continue performing
until you've crossed the bridge to the right. Proceed to the right, onto
the next area and, after a bunch of cutscenes, try to take the lower exit,
which will get you in a few more cutscenes. Take the path to the lower
left corner for yet more cutscenes, before talking to the old man next to
the lower right house. You'll get a new mission.

1.7~. Fourth Mission

Take the exit on the right to leave this town, and onto the next area. Go
to the upper exit (the lower one doesn't have anything major, right now)
and take it to the right, where you'll find a bunch of Dusclops guarding a
dark forest. If one of them sees you, you'll have to start the whole
"puzzle" all over again, and so I suggest you attack - and obviously,
defeat - them while they're looking away, and proceed until you reach the
upper exit. Continue walking until you see a house, but instead of
entering it right away, take the lower path all the way down, and you'll
open the locked gate from before. Then, go back up and finally enter the
house, but not before having explored this whole area, since there are
several new Pokemon around here.

Inside, you'll have to fight three Misdreavus. They're not very strong,
but since they're constantly disappearing and reappearing, it may prove
hard to capture them quickly. Nonetheless, I strongly suggest you focus on
one of them until you capture it, and then advance to the next one. Don't
bother using any Pokemon here, since they're just not worth it, in terms
of damage...

After the battle, you may want to explore this and the upper room. Proceed
to the left one, and after the cutscene advance to the upper exit. Follow
the only possible path until you reach a room with a long table, where you
should capture the Golbat. Take the lower right exit, capture the Vulpix
and take the lower exit, once again. Use the Golbat to destroy one of the
fences on the left, and the Vulpix to get rid of the big spider web.
Capture the two Golbat inside - your Pichu is a major help here - and head
back to the other corridor, where you saw the blocked door. Use the two
Golbat to get rid of the cupboard and enter the room. Interact with the
lone bookshelf, pick the left option and you'll be able to enter a secret

Take the path downstairs, you'll have to fight a Chikorita and a Bayleef
at the same time. Start by getting rid of the Chikorita and then focus on
her stronger evolution; also, if you have a Vulpix (or some other fire
Pokemon) in your party, using it, alongside with Pichu, makes this battle
a lot easier. Once the battle is over, go capture some sort of fire
creature, if you have none. Once you have one, go up, pick the left
option and you will have to fight yet another grass Pokemon, this time a
Meganium. I suggest you start by attacking it with your fire pokemon and,
later on, with the Pichu. Here, the major problem is certainly the fact
that your opponent can use an attack that creates several random spikes,
which may stop you (or make it harder for you to...) from encircling him.
Don't worry, when that happens simply lift your stylus and summon your
fire Pokemon once again. Keep on repeating, using the Pichu if your
opponent becomes all upset, and eventually you'll win. After the battle,
your mission will be over.

1.8~. (More) Walkthrough

Leave this mansion and you'll see a Celebi again. He'll take you back in
time, and you'll have to fight a Piplup (easy battle). When he finally
takes you back to your world, you'll gain the ability to play multiplayer
missions. Save your game on the right and go all the way back to the
bridge area, the one where you used Raikou to jump around. You'll see a
new cutscene, after which you should call Raikou, travel over the bridge
and back to the house that was previously on fire. After the cutscene,
step outside, board the Raikou and head back to the village near the
bridge, the one you just came from. There, approach the lower left corner
and, after another cutscene, you'll be able to save your game.

When you're ready to proceed, leave this village by the upper right exit,
and head all to the right. You'll have to fight a Quilava and an Ambipom,
who aren't all that tough. Take the road up and enter the ruins. You will
be given a new mission.

1.9~. Fifth Mission

Go up; there are some new Pokemon around here, and you may want to capture
them. Grab a Xatu from the lower left room, use it to remove the door from
the lower right room for some rarer beasts. Go all the way up and you'll
fight two Pichu, and extremely easy battle if you use your own Pichu for
backup. Capture one Kirlia and use it on the pillar in the upper-middle
area of this room. Visit the recently-opened room and interact with the
mirrors on the right, so that they're like this:



Go back to the previous room and capture another Kirlia. This time, take
the upper left exit, and use your Kirlia on the pillar, as before.
Continue walking and you'll have to fight a Xatu. Use your Pichu and the
battle will go fine. Be sure to capture the two Quilava. Afterwards, head
to the next room, and to the upper left door, but not before facing three
enemies at the same time. Start with the weaker one - probably the Bibarel
- and leave the Bronzor for last, since he is certainly the strongest of
them all. Once you've defeated them, take the upper exit (capture the
Mankey!) and use the two Quilava to open the doors.

In the new room, capture the Kirlia by the door and use it on the pillar
on the left. Lave this room, re-enter it, capture the Kirlia again and use
it on the pillar on the right. Destroy the block on the upper left by
using the Mankey, and move the mirrors so that the room looks like this:

/                      \                  

\       \     /   X    /
              \        \

o      /               \      o

Where "o" are the two pillars, and "X" is the totem. Capture one or two
Bibarel, save your game and take the upper door. You will soon have to
fight an Entei. Initially, he isn't that impressive, but when he gets
angry he will turn into a much more powerful beast. When that happens (you
will see that, as always, his HP bar will turn red), start using your
Pichu and the Bibarel, which work especially well here. However, if one of
them is hit by the fire they'll quit the battle, and since that's very
likely to happen, I really suggest, as stated above, that you take two (or
more, if possible) water Pokemon to this battle. After calming him down,
repeat the same strategy, but try to encircle this beast every time stops
and isn't preparing an attack. When you finally manage to defeat him, you
will gain his symbol, which is the following one:

        |   |
      \ |   | /
       \|   |/

Obviously, you have to draw it before proceeding. Anyway, after the
cutscene your mission will be over.

1.10~. (More) Walkthrough

After your companion stops blabbering around, call for Entei and use him
to destroy the rocks on the right (you can do it by pressing 'Y'). Follow
the path back to the previous village, and approach the left exit for a
new cutscene. Take the bridge all to the left and head back to the house
that was originally on fire. You will learn how to improve your in-battle
attacks, which you can do (as you could in the previous game...) by
holding your stylus down before encircling your enemies. When you're ready
to proceed, go back to the last village and take the exit placed in the
middle. Soon, you'll get a new mission.

1.11~. Sixth Mission

Call Entei and move all to the left, until you find some chasms. When that
happens, call Raikou and use him to jump all the way to the right,
eventually make your way to a submarine. Inside, take the door to your
right, followed by the upper one. You'll find a small maze, which you can
exit by the lower right corner, BUT you should not do so before capturing
a Luxio. In the next room, capture another Luxio, and then head back to
the initial room, this time taking the lower exit. Use the two Luxio to
open the gate, inside you'll have to fight three Makuhita and three Gible
at the same time. They're not that strong, but I suggest you focus on a
group whenever they get together, and then on each sole creature when
they're weaker. Afterwards, continue walking to the right, and follow the

Go back to the first room, capture a Gligar and a Sandslash, and bring
them back here, where you should use them to open the container. After the
cutscene, go outside and to the right. Another maze-like area, filled with
Dusclops, which you can avoid or defeat, as before. Make your way to the
rooms to the right, and you'll soon fight two Rampardos. Focus on one at a
time and they won't cause much trouble, but be careful with their main
attack, in which rocks will pop out randomly all over the field. When you
are ready to proceed and you have at least one Luxio in your party, save
your game, approach the door on the right and press the left option. This
time, you'll have to fight a Totodile and a Croconaw; start with the
little guy, before focusing on his more powerful evolution, if possible
with help from an electric Pokemon (be careful, I'm not talking about the
ones that heal you, but the ones that actually attack the enemy). A few
seconds later, you'll also have to face a Feraligatr. This one is
obviously tougher than his two predecessors, but if you use a Luxio to
help you when the enemy is mad, he'll go down much easier than you could
be expecting.

Once you manage to defeat this not-so-powerful beast, you'll be able to
save your game, and continue playing. In the first room, simply go all the
way up. In the second one, take the left route, let yourself fall down,
continue by taking the route on the right, fall down again and, finally,
take the middle route. Third room, go around (be very careful with the
falling objects) and take the upper left exit. Rooms four and five, head
up, leave your character fall down, and then go to the right. Room six,
take the path around, but don't forget to grab the Pichu on the lower
right; after grabbing him, continue heading up, be sure to grab the Furret
on the right, and use it to remove the debris in the next room. Keep on
going, you'll see another cutscene and, very soon, you'll be back outside,
along with an old friend. Your mission will also end.

1.12~. (More) Walkthrough

Back to the village, call Entei and head back to the house from before,
the one that was originally on fire. After the cutscene, got back to the
old man's house, the one which you first visited in this whole island,
where your Pichu will acquire an improved move, or song, or whatever you
wanna call it. Follow the old man to the island where all the Pichu used
to live, which you can do by taking the boat nearby. After the unusual
"party" (.....), you will be back to this island. Make your way to the
second village, to the place where you saw the ship before; there, when
you talk to the man and pick the leftmost option, you will be taken to
another island, and a new mission will instantly begin.

1.13~. Seventh Mission

Just near the entrance you'll have to fight an easy battle against two
enemies. Follow the only possible path, capture the Phanpy and use it in
the rock nearby. Capture the Donphan in the lower area and use it on the
rock from the upper area. Take the upper exit and you'll quickly into
another battle, which is much easier if you start by capturing the Numel,
before even focusing in the Charmeleon. Continue walking, but be warned
that you can heal yourself (and save your game) in the cottage.

In the next area, grab a Shelgon from the left side and use it on the
lower rock. Grab another from the right side, and two from inside the cave
itself. With those three Shelgon in your party, go back outside and use
them to push the huge rock on the left. Continue heading up and you'll
fight another battle, this one against a Torchic and a Combusken. Start
with the little fellow, before trying to capture his evolution. Also,
using a water Pokemon, if you have one with you right now, may also be a
good idea. Proceed by the door. In the next room, take the upper left
exit, capture the two Gastrodon inside and head back to the room you just
visited. Use the two Gastrodon to get rid of the of the flaming rock,
capture a Primeape and use it to destroy the rock itself. Now, before
taking the upper exit to this area, go get two more Gastrodon.

Next, you'll have to fight a Tyranitar. He'll start the battle really
angry, but if you throw some water pokemon at him (hence the required
Gastrodon I mentioned before) he'll easily go down. Once you've defeated
him, save your game (yes, I strongly suggest you do so) and head to the
upper left, where you'll have to draw a sign in the stone block. The sign,
as you probably noticed, is the same that you use to summon Entei, the one
I'll draw below:

        |   |
      \ |   | /
       \|   |/

Just draw it and the block of stone will vanish. Press the left option to
step inside, where you will have to fight two Scyther (simple battle, just
use a fire Pokemon). Next, approach the Staraptor, pick the left option
and you'll start flying. You'll have to play the same mini-game you saw in
the beginning of the game, simply dodge the energy balls - it's not that
hard - and you'll soon have a battle against several Hoothoot and Noctowl,
which you can easily dispose of, as usual. Another instance of the same
mini-game, followed by a battle against several Pidgey and Pidgeotto. Yet
another instance of the same mini-game, this time against a stronger
enemy, who moves a lot faster. Fear not, do the same thing as before, but
never stop moving around. Soon, you'll face a boss battle, this one
against a Charizard. Now, there's something you should have in mind: since
you're having this battle while flying, you can't summon any Pokemon to
help you, which makes this battle slightly harder. Now, simply try to
encircle your opponent as quickly - and as many times - as possible, every
time he stops moving around. When he starts quickly dashing across the
screen, lift your stylus and wait for him to stop it. Be very careful when
signs appear over his head, meaning that he'll launch a powerful attack. I
consider this battle to be sort of a "back to the basics", and instead of
even attempting to do charged attacks all the time, I suggest you focus
more on normal attacks, and an occasional charged attack.

Sooner or later you'll manage to defeat this powerful foe (if not, maybe
you should head back and get some level ups!), and your mission will soon
be over.

1.14~. (More) Walkthrough

Go back to the house which was originally on fire, you will be allowed to
save your game. After the update, step outside and make your way to the
second village. On your way there, the house that was previously locked
will be opened. Go inside, you'll have to fight a Ledian. Step back
outside, capture the Pelipper and the Ivysaur, use them to open the
container. Back to the house from before, step outside and capture the
nearby Staraptor. Fly your recently-acquired friend to the sparkling
circle in the northern island, which you can do by using your stylus or
with the normal controls (advance by holding "B").

Eventually, you'll have to fight several Wingull and Pelipper, but that's
an easy battle. When you finally land in the new island, grab some of the
new Pokemon (if you want, obviously) and proceed to the left. Save your
game and proceed to the upper left house. Next, take the upper route, and
then the one to the left. Call your Raikou, and use it to jump to the
other side of the river. Proceed to the left, jumping above the river once
more, be sure to capture a Forretress, and continue travelling by the only
possible path until you find a man who will give you the next mission.

1.15~. Eighth Mission

Call your Raikou once more, and use it to jump to the lower side of the
river. Go all to the left and capture the Grotle. Use it, along with the
Forretress, to tackle the block of stone blocking your path. Go down and
you'll have to fight a Yanmega and a Dodrio. There's a Ludicolo on the
room to the left, capture it, and you should then proceed to the right.
Call your Raikou once again, use it to jump to the right, and then go
down. You'll be underwater, once again.

Capture some of the new species if you want, and head to the lower left
exit. You'll need to capture two Gorebyss, but to do that you'll need to
capture two Huntail first. Once you have those Huntail, use them to
release the pillar in the upper side of the room; only after that should
you try to grab the Huntail, or you'll be in a wild goose chase, unable
to achieve your objective for quite some time. Once you have those two
pink fellows, use them to remove the chains on the lower left, and advance
across the next room. At the bottom, you'll have to play the chase
mini-game again - do so - followed by a battle against a Relicanth and a
Seadra. Start by defeating the first creature, he is weaker, and although
the Seadra isn't that strong, it may take you a while to capture it, due
to your current options for backup Pokemon.

After the cutscene you'll be back in the surface. Capture the Lombre, step
outside by taking the upper door, call your Raikou and use it to travel to
the place you previously came from. You'll see another cutscene. Press the
leftmost option and you'll have to fight a Suicune. Start slowly, using
your Pichu and drawing the usual circles, until the enemy gets upset.
Then, wait for Suicune to approach the bottom of the screen, and summon
your Ludicolo, or a Lombre, which will certainly cause heavy damage to
your current enemy. Keep on repeating this same strategy, from there on,
and use your Pichu as backup, too. Soon, your enemy will be down, and you
will gain his symbol, the following one:

  |  |\
\ |  |
 \|  |

Sort of...? Anyway, summon your Suicune right away, use it to go back to
the place where you just saw the other man and your mission will be over.

1.16~. (More) Walkthrough

Eventually, all the cutscenes will end. When that happens, go up, enter
the cave and keep on going up. You'll get another mission.

1.17~. Ninth Mission

Follow the only possible path, you'll quickly reach an area which has
several avalanches. Use the protective stone blocks to make your way to
the upper exit. There are several new Pokemon in this area, you may want
to grab them. When you're ready to proceed, take the exit to the left, and
keep on walking by following the only possible path (you can heal yourself
and save your game inside the hut, if you want) until you see the next
cutscene, where you'll have to fight three pokemon; leave the Snubbull for
last, and focus on his two companions.

In the next area you'll find some more avalanches. Proceed by the center
stone blocks and you'll be fine, it's not that hard, I can assure you.
Next room, you'll have to face three other Pokemon. I strongly suggest you
start by capturing the Raichu, before summoning your Pichu for help with
the other two; leave the Empoleon for last, since he has a lot more HP,
making him harder to defeat. Capture two Monferno from the upper right
room, and then use them to melt the ice block in the upper left room. Get
a Lopunny from the previous room (be sure to capture another Monferno!)
and use it to destroy the rock blocking your path once and for all. Next
room, be careful with the slippery floor, and make your way to the upper
part of the room. You'll have to fight a Infernape and a Glaceon, none of
which are all that tough.

Save your game, be sure to have at least one Empoleon in your party, and
then approach the stone block. Draw Suicune's symbol over there, that is,
this one:

  |  |\
\ |  |
 \|  |

Press the option on the left to enter the new room, this time you'll have
to fight a Typhlosion. Start the battle by encircling your opponent as
you'd normally do. When he becomes all angry, call your Empoleon; if done
correctly, the damage caused will be so big that your opponent will fall
out of his anger right away. Continue attacking normally, use your Pichu
for backup (remember, he never suffers any damage, you should use this to
your advantage) and call your Empoleon (or more than one, if you have
them) whenever possible. Your enemy will go down sooner than later, and
this mission will also end.

1.18~. (More) Walkthrough

Go up and capture a Staraptor. Fly him back to the house that was
originally on fire, and enter it. You'll be able to save your game. After
the cutscene is over, head back to the first village's main square, just
next to the place where you first saw a Celebi. You'll be taken to a whole
new area, and a small puzzle will be seen in front of your characters. The
(very simple) solution is:

   |  o|
   |_| |

If you just can't get it, well, starting from the lower left square, you
should go three squares right, three squares up, three squares left, two
squares down, one square right, one square up, one square right. Doing so
will allow you to proceed, and after the performance your Pichu will learn
a new move/song/whatever. Head back to the house which was originally on
fire and, after the cutscene, grab a Staraptor. Fly it to the northern
island, call your Suicune and head to the water. Go all to the left (to
dodge the enemies you may want to hit "Y") and then all the way up. Leave
the Suicune on the left and proceed on foot past the save point and behind
the waterfall. You will get a new mission.

1.19~. Tenth Mission

Go up, and you'll soon have to fight a Riolu. Using your Pichu as backup,
this ends up being an easy battle. Continue walking to the next room,
visit the upper left area for a Bastiodon, upper right for a Magmar, and
right for a Haunter. Use this last Pokemon in the cube placed in the
middle of this room, and you'll then be able to proceed by the door
nearby. Inside, you'll have to fight two Gabite, a battle which is much
easier if you use your Pichu for backup, as always. Focus on one of the
enemies until you manage to defeat it, and then advance to the other one,
that seems to be the best way to go, here.

After the battle, go down and wait for the enemies to move. When they do,
head to the left and up, then down, left and up. Hide in the rightmost
section of the corridor, and after they pass by your current position head
up and right. Ignore the first room and enter the second, before heading
down and to the right. Now, you'll fight a Slowking, and I really doubt he
will give you much trouble. Proceed to the right. On the next room, press
the yellow button, follow the new path, press the green button (NOT the
blue one!) and go to the upper left corner of this room, where you should
press the blue button. Go all the way down and press the red button. Go
down and to the right, where you'll have to fight four fossil Pokemon, but
just don't ask me how the heck they all got here. Oh, and this is a guide
made by Mykas0, by the way.

Keep on walking by the only possible path, past the save point and onto
yet another new room. There, you'll have to fight four Claydol at the same
time, which is easier if you, as usual, use your Pichu as backup. Focus on
one enemy at a time, doing so will make this battle a lot easier. Capture
two Bronzong and two Haunter in the rooms on the left and right, and use
them to remove the cubes from the middle door. Enter this door and you'll
have to fight four Magby, followed by six Treecko, and then eight Beldum.
Despite their numbers, these battles aren't hard at all, and it's all a
matter of actually managing to encircle your opponents when you have the
opportunity to do so, and as quickly as possible. Then, press the left
option to enter the upper door (you may want to save your game before
proceeding, no?) and you'll face another boss battle, this one against a
Garchomp. Overall, this Pokemon isn't that strong, but he is extremely
fast, and that may cause you some of trouble. If you still have some ice
Pokemon with you, this may be a good opportunity to use all of them, since
they cause extra damage. You can also use creatures that attack in a large
radius, such as Armaldo (there was one in this same dungeon). Your Pichu
is especially important here, since the final hit of his combo may
paralyze your opponent for limited amount of time, giving you more
opportunities to strike; for that reason, be sure to use your Pichu as
often as possible! When you, eventually, manage to defeat this Garchomp,
your mission will end and you'll be able to save your game.

1.20~. (More) Walkthrough

When you're ready to proceed, step outside, grab a Staraptor and use it to
fly to the point marked with a rolling circle. You'll fight a bunch of
Drifloon and Drifblim, but they're pretty weak. A bunch of Starly and
Pidgeot will follow, but they're not very strong, either. Soon, you'll see
another rolling circle; move there, press "Y" to land and you'll see a
cutscene, after which your new mission will begin.

1.21~. Eleventh Mission

Grab another Staraptor and make it fly to the very first location, the
island where your Pichu used to live. Approach the beacon on the right and
a cutscene will unfold. You're done here, grab another Staraptor and head
to the southeastern island. To the left of your initial position you'll
see another beacon. Approach it, you'll have a battle against three
not-so-strong Pokemon (use your Pichu and you'll do fine), and after
winning the battle you'll be done here. Next, capture another Staraptor
and fly it to the northern island. When you reach this third town, exit
the main square by the upper exit, and follow by taking the upper left
exit. Remember the time where you jumped around in your Raikou? Do that
again, either with a Raikou or a Suicune, and near the upper left corner
of this area you'll find the beacon you seek, together with a battle
against three other Pokemon. You're done here, too.

Next, grab another Staraptor and fly to the northeastern island.
Unfortunately, you cannot land there, so you'll have to fly to the second
village and talk to your "old friend". By picking the option on the left,
he will give you a ride over there, just what you needed. Now, when you're
underwater, enter the cave on the lower right, and grab the Mantine from
the room on the right, and another Mantine from the lower left. Use them
both to release the wires on the right, and then proceed by that new path,
but not before fighting a Tentacruel. Next room, you'll have to play the
chase mini-game, once again, before fighting a Kingdra. Proceed to the
left, to reach a new area; here, you can find the (final, if you've been
following what I'm telling you to do) beacon you seek.

Afterwards, you'll be taken back to the island you came from. Not really
a big deal, simply grab another Staraptor and fly him to the northwestern
island. After the cutscene, grab yet another Staraptor and you will
instantly see a new cutscene, following which you'll fight a Latios (or a
Latias? It seems to depend on the sex of your character). This Pokemon is
not very strong, nor does it have many powerful attacks, but later in
battle he seems to protect itself with three energy balls around him,
damaging your character if you approach. Obviously, when that happens you
can simply sit back and wait... for the rest of the battle, simply be
wary enough to escape his normal attacks - he'll stop moving, and quickly
show a symbol above his head - and you'll do just fine. After the battle,
your mission will be over, and you will get the Latios sign, which is sort
of like this:

 \  /\  /
  \/  \/
  /\  /\
 /  \/  \
|   /\   |
|  /  \  |
| /    \ |
|/      \|

In case you're wondering, using this symbol summons your friendly Lations,
who serves as a free aerial transportation. Plus, it can dash while in the
air (double-tap "Y"), and it has an attack you can use during aerial
battles, as if it was an aerial Pichu.

1.22~. (More) Walkthrough

First of all, summon Latios (or Latias, it's the same thing!), and you'll
see a tutorial on how to use him. So, move to the area with the rolling
circle and press the option on the left. You'll have to play a mini-game
where you dodge lightning bolts, which is basically the same as the one in
which you dodged energy balls. Oh well, eventually you'll land and your
next mission will begin.

1.23~. Twelfth Mission

Enter the cave and keep on walking until you reach a room with two exits.
Take the one in the upper right and you'll have to fight two weak Pokemon,
as many times before. Take the door on the left (to dodge the bolts simply
step on the dirt, instead of walking always on water) and you'll fight a
Piloswine, followed by a Mamoswine. They're both easy battles, but if you
want to have an even easier time, try to bring a grass (or water) Pokemon
to this battle. Here, take the room on the right to capture a Hippopowdon,
which you must use in the previous room to release the steel box (or
whatever that is...). Capture the nearby Manectric, and the Electivire (he
is on the upper right room), which you should use in the strange
machine/box/whatever. You'll have to fight a Jolteon, but he's not that
strong. Before leaving the room, you might as well go and capture another
Electivire, just in case!

Well, after leaving by the lower left, keep on walking and you'll have to
dodge some more lightning bolts; as before, simply try to walk in the dirt
as much as possible and you'll do fine. Next room, capture a Gliscor (they
seem to fall from the ceiling) and use it to cut the fence. You'll have to
face another battle, now against eight Electrode. Use some sort of ground
creature as backup, together with your usual Pichu, and this turns out
being easier than you could be expecting. Take the upper exit to the next
room, save your game (I strongly suggest you have at least one Piloswine
in your party) and interact with the stone block. You'll need to draw a
symbol, it's Raikou's one, specifically this one:

      / |
        |  /
        | /

Inside, you'll have several battles. First, you'll fight two Magneton and
a Magnezone. In second place, two Luxray. Finally, you will have to fight
a Metagross, which is actually the boss. Using a Piloswine works extremely
well against all these enemies, and bringing more than one here would be
incredibly helpful, so... if you're having trouble with this battle, that
is something you could try. However, there's a catch, which can turn the
Metagross battle into something a lot more difficult - after the boss has
become enraged, he'll start using an attack that literally strikes the
entire screen, and that instantly kills your supporters. So, you should
start that boss battle by simply using your Pichu, together with your own
circles around the enemy. Next, when he becomes enraged, continue using
Pichu BUT, when the enemy is already performing another kind of attack,
different from the "let's throw rays in every direction" one, use one of
your Piloswine, and try to do some quick circles around the opponent.
Also, your Pichu should be CONSTANTLY used, since he can't be harmed by
the enemy, as always, and that gives him the advantage you may be needing
to defeat this boss.

Now, if you just can't complete this boss battle, go back and, apart from
the Piloswine, capture some Swinub too. Try to upgrade your stats and get
some more levels, too... when you finally manage to defeat this Metagross,
your mission will end.

1.24~. (More) Walkthrough

Follow the guards inside the building, and you'll have to face a battle
right away, this time against a Torterra and a Sceptile. This is much
easier if you start by taking care of the Torterra, and then use your
Pichu (or some fire Pokemon) to weaken your opponent. After the battle is
over, feel free to grab some reinforcements from the adjacent rooms, and
proceed by taking the middle door up. Keep on going and you'll see an
unfrequent tea party taking place, after which you'll be able to save your
game. When all the cutscenes are finally over, head back to the house
which was originally on fire and you'll get another mission.

1.25~. Thirteenth Mission

Go back to the old man's house, in the very first village. Enter the house
itself, and after the cutscenes move back to the cave you visited early in
the game, the one placed to the left + up of the place where you first saw
a Celebi. Make your way to the cave's upper right area, enter the
(previously locked) door, and then approach the stone block in the upper
side of the room; doing so will reveal a secret door. Approach it and pick
the answer on the left to proceed.

In the next room you'll have to dodge enemy's attacks for one minute. Even
if you're hit you'll be able to proceed, provided you don't run out of HP,
and so, just try to dodge them the best you can. Another room, this time
you have to dodge the spikes while advancing to the upper part, it's all
a matter of timing. Yet another room, this one has a puzzle similar to the
one from before, where you have to run across every square on the board
once. This time, I won't show you the solution, due to graphical reasons,
but I'll state what you have to do, starting from the down-middle square,
the one with the "circle": go left twice, up twice, right, up, left, up,
right four times, down, left, down, left, down, right, down, right and,
finally, up. If done correctly, this will open the door to the next room.
Yet again, this is a guide by M y k a s 0...

Another room another puzzle, this one with the classical forwarding
arrows. Start by taking the second trail counting from the left, followed
by the one on the middle right. Then, take the ones up, left, upper right
and up, you'll then reach the door. Inside, you'll have to fight an Absol,
who is just another enraged random Pokemon. Soon, you'll get the item you
seek, and you'll also see a longer cutscene. Head back to the second
village, be sure to capture as many water Pokemon as possible, and then
talk to your "old friend" on the lower left, following which you should
pick the option on the left to travel to the sea.

Underwater, go all the way down and a light pillar will show up, followed
by Ho-Oh, who you will have to fight. Provided you have several water
creatures with you, this battle isn't all that hard. You should constantly
call your Pichu, and as soon as he is available. When Ho-Oh stops, and
starts attacking with any attack other than Fire Blast (the one that makes
five lines of fire around him) use any water pokemon to aid you. Continue
repeating and the enemy will go down without much effort, mostly since
your water supporters will cause a ton of damage. After the battle, you
will acquire Ho-Oh's sign, which is ridiculously hard to draw here (no, I
won't); start by one of the upper tips and do all the star-like bit
without stopping, it's way easier than it seems. Also, the protective
barrier around the flying fortress will vanish, meaning that you can
finally go there and kick some serious ass. Oh, and your mission will end
soon after!

1.26~. (More) Walkthrough

Summon your Latios and head to the flying fortress. When you are
approaching it, press the option on the left to enter the place itself,
and you'll have to play the mini-game where you dodge energy balls for
several times. You will also have to fight several Staravia and Chatot,
plus a few Skarmory. When you finally reach the place, your new mission
will begin.

1.27~. Fourteenth Mission

Start by heading to the room on the right. Take both platforms to the
right, then the one on the left, and the one in the upper left. Capture
the Mismagius and go back to the previous room. Now, take the path to the
room on the left. Inside, take the second teleporter you see, followed by
the one on the right and the one on the right (yes, again) to capture
another Mismagius. Go back to the previous room and use both Mismagius to
change the statue and raise a platform. Enter the new room and you'll have
to fight a Electivire and a Magmortar; start with the first one, he is
easier to capture, and then grab the second, with some help from your
Pichu. Take the upper door and follow the path to fight three Porygon-Z,
which are easier to defeat with help from a Hitmonlee (there was one in
the first area, to the right). Grab a few reinforcements if you want, and
then take the upper door.

This new room contains several powerful creatures, you may want to capture
them before heading to the path on the left, where you'll have to fight
two Aggron. Be sure to capture one Toxicroak, and use it on the
cornerstone blocking your path. You'll have to fight another battle, this
one against a Gardevoir and a Gallade. Continue walking and you'll soon
have to fight two Rhyperior, which you can easily take down by using the
nearby Leafeon. Continue walking and you'll have to fight four Scizor at
the same time, which are easy to defeat if you have a Gliscor in your
party. Grab some reinforcements here and advance to the next room. Now,
you'll have to fight three bosses before advancing to the final one, in a
sort-of-predictable plot twist that recalls me of "Megaman" games.

Start by the room on the left. Take the exit on the left, keep on walking
until you're back in this room. Press the lower yellow button before
taking the upper exit. Grab the nearby Froslass to get rid of the
cornerstone, and try to dodge the spikes as much as possible. You'll have
to fight a Ditto (nevermind the questions), a fierce and powerful creature
that turns into Raikou, Entei and Suicune, in that same order. Obviously,
you should try to have a supporters that cover the weaknesses of every of
these enemies, and constantly use your Pichu for backup. When you're done
here, heal your character (you can do it by talking to the girl near the
save point), grab some more backup if you need and then take head to the
room on the right.

Head to the upper right and your Pichu will be kidnapped. Now, you'll see
four "?" boxes around the room. Grab a Gardevoir or a Mismagius, one at a
time, and use them to open the boxes (apparently, the Pichu will be on the
lower right, but this may be random...). After you recover your precious
friend, take the upper right exit and you'll have to fight a Crobat, but
there's a catch - you'll be flying! Well, you don't have any backup, so
your only option is really trying to encircle the enemy as quickly as
possible. Fortunately, he isn't very strong either, and so you can simply
go and draw your usual circles when he isn't leaving a trail of poison
behind him. After having defeated this not-so-strong boss, heal your
character and take the upper door. Guide by Mykas_0...

This time, defeat the main enemies - the Probopass, the Tangrowth and the
Hariyama - and step on the green teleporter. In the next room, you'll have
to fight a Regigigas. As you'll easily see, even by walking this enemy can
damage your party, and so it'll be harder to capture him. Use your Pichu
as soon as he becomes available, and as often as possible. If you have any
supporters that can attack from afar, such as Gardevoir or Magmortar, use
them. Also, to be able to encircle the enemy on your own you should wait
for him to stop (he does so every two steps, at least early in the battle)
and quickly encircle him twice or three times. I suggest you shouldn't do
that very often, and instead focus on help from your supporters, who
should always try to attack the enemy from behind, since he can use a
powerful beam on the entire area in from of him. After the battle, you may
want to re-enter this room and grab some more supporters, since they have
quite a few good ones in here.

Next, approach the lower door - the one next to the save point - and draw
the symbol seen in the upper screen. The door will open; save your game,
grab at least one Houndoom and make your way to the final boss (you have
to pick the left option to enter the final room and face him), who will
use a Mewtwo against you. Use your Pichu as quickly and as often as
possible, since he may not only stun your opponent but also cause a lot of
significant damage to him. Also, try to use your Houndoom, along with
creatures that can strike from afar against him, but don't forget to place
them behind the enemy. Eventually, your opponent will use a protective
attack, which doesn't seem to vanish. Try to do larger circles around him,
but retain the strategy stated above.

Once you finally manage to defeat Mewtwo, you'll have to fight him again,
but he'll be much stronger than before, and he'll have a protective (and
damaging!) around around him. Plus, not only he'll start using attacks
that strike most of the screen, but he can also leave shadows behind,
which will later attack you. As before, use your Pichu as quickly and as
frequently as possible, and try to use your supporters from time to time,
together with your circles. If you just can't seem to win, well, try to
improve your stats and get some more levels on your character.

After the battle, the flying fortress will fall down. When prompted to do
so, draw Ho-Oh's symbol (you can check it by pressing the upper left
button) and he'll stop the tower from crashing. A longer cutscene will
take place, the credits will roll and your game will be automatically
saved. Now, you can reload this same savegame and take all-new adventures,
which will be mentioned in the next section.

2~. What now?

You just completed the game and you've reloaded your savegame. After the
cutscene is over, step outside and fly your Latios to the third village,
where a cutscene will take place. You'll be given a new mission, the one
of capturing the three legendary birds; to do this, fly in your Latios and
look for the three birds in the sky. Focus on one of them and stalk them,
dashing your Latios onto them, until you see a cutscene. Repeat for all
three birds, and then visit their lairs (the fire, lightning and ice
dungeons you've seen before) for some battles. Once you've defeated all of
them, go back to the person who requested this mission and it'll end.

Next, head to the top of the ice mountain nearby and you'll have to fight
a Blaziken. Head back to the house that was formerly on fire and another
cutscene will take place. Complete Quest 11 (its content is stated in the
next section of this guide) and fly to the northwestern island.  Walk
slightly to the right and you'll have to fight a Latias (or a Latios,
depending on the sex of your main character) in the air.

Afterwards, go ahead and capture all the 300 Pokemon, for which you must
also complete all the quests stated in the next section (yes, some
creatures are exclusive to quests, such as Ninetales or Togekiss). Once
you've seen/captured all 300, come back to the house which was originally
on fire and a cutscene will take place, where you'll receive a whole new
quest. Grab some Dark (or Ghost) Pokemon, head to the second village and
talk to the guy in the lower left, before selecting the left option. You
will be taken underwater.

Make your way to the lower part of the cavern. You'll have to fight some
battles and face the usual underwater chase mini-game, but you'll soon
reach a place where you'll see one of your enemies stuck below a rock. She
will soon retreat; follow her back to the surface and you'll have to fight
a Lugia. If you have any ghost (or dark) Pokemon with you, this battle
ends up being a lot easier. As usual, summon your Pichu as quickly and as
often as possible. When Lugia stops in the middle of the screen, quickly
call one of your ghost/dark Pokemon so that it'll receive as much damage
as possible. Also, try to encircle him as quickly as possible, but that
shouldn't be a problem by now, if you've been upgrading your stats and
getting as many level ups as possible.

Eventually, after the battle this last mission will end, and so will this
game's main storyline. Fear not, you haven't finished the whole game just
yet... you can now go and play some Multiplayer Missions!

2.1~. Quests

Here, you'll be able to read about where to get each of the quests this
game has to offer, and an explanation on what you have to do to complete
each of them. Apart from the first one, which is part of the storyline,
these quests aren't required to complete the main (i.e. pre-credits)
storyline, and generally they give you new Pokemon signs, or extra Trainer

------------------------------  Quest 1   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

As part of the storyline.

----- What do you have to do?

As stated in the walkthrough, "Talk to the man on the boat and give him
the left answer. You'll be taken back to the first island, go back to the
place where you started the game and you'll have to fight six Sunkern,
which you can certainly defeat without much effort. Go back to the other
island, once more by taking the boat, and talk to the man who requested
this quest".

------------------------------  Quest 2   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the village right of where you fought a Celebi. Talk to the girl in the
blue dress.

----- What do you have to do?

Capture a Pachirisu and bring it here.

------------------------------  Quest 3   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Next to the place where you fought a Celebi. Talk to the old man.

----- What do you have to do?

You just have to destroy the log blocking the path, in the forest to your
left, and then come back here.

------------------------------  Quest 4   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the village right of where you fought a Celebi. Talk to the guy with
brown hair.

----- What do you have to do?

Enter the house nearby. Capture the Geodude in the cavern all to the left
(yes, it must be that one) and talk to the guy who requested this quest.
Be aware that you'll need a true water pokemon to awaken the Geodude.

------------------------------  Quest 5   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the village where you fought a Celebi, enter the house near the beach
and talk to the old guy.

----- What do you have to do?

From the second village, go all to the right (destroy the rocks with your
Entei) and continue following the only possible path. Just before the
place where you fought an Entei, you'll see a lone tree. Hit it and a
fruit will fall. Take it back to the old man.

------------------------------  Quest 6   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the village where you fought a Celebi, near the beach. Talk to the guy
with green shirt and brown pants.

----- What do you have to do?

Take the Lapras underwater. Go to the second screen and head to the lower
right, where you'll see a sparkling Luvdisc. Approach it, you'll have to
fight it and this quest will end.

------------------------------  Quest 7   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the very first village, visit the house from Quest 4 and talk to the
old woman.

----- What do you have to do?

Approach the tower where you fought a Raikou. Talk to the lone man in the

------------------------------  Quest 8   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From the guy you just visited, in Quest 7.

----- What do you have to do?

Climb the tower nearby, and follow it until you reach the windy area. You
will find a Pidgey in the lower left, approach it and you'll fight three
Pidgey, which will end this quest.

------------------------------  Quest 9   ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Second village, talk to the old woman in the middle-right house.

----- What do you have to do?

Capture a Noctowl (there's one near the mansion with all the ghosts) and
bring him back here.

------------------------------  Quest 10  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the village where you fought a Celebi, enter the house near the beach
and talk to the kid, after completing Quest 5.

----- What do you have to do?

Enter the house that was originally in fire. Afterwards, leave it, take 
the path to the left and go up for a cutscene. Next, follow the path to
the right and you'll see another cutscene. Go back to the place where you
saw the previous cutscene and this quest will end.

------------------------------  Quest 11  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

After completing the game, and grabbing all the pieces of armor, go to the
house that was originally on fire and talk to the guy in a ranger suit.

----- What do you have to do?

Go to the haunted mansion's basement and interact with the second (from
the right) bookshelf. Come back to the guy who requested this quest.

------------------------------  Quest 12  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From the kid near the old man's house, in the first village.

----- What do you have to do?

Capture a Drifloon (or a Drifblim) and bring it back here. The best way to
do this is by roaming the skies near the volcano and, later, talk to the
person in the white suit, from the third village, who calls the birds,
with an empty slot in your party.

------------------------------  Quest 13  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Next to the place where you fought a Celebi. Talk to the old man, after
you've completed Quest 3.

----- What do you have to do?

After talking to the old man and selecting the left option, chase the
Starly to the upper left corner of the forest.

------------------------------  Quest 14  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

After completing the game, and grabbing all the pieces of armor, go to the
second village and talk to the guy in the lower left corner.

----- What do you have to do?

Return here with a Togekiss (you can find it in the sky, after taking
Quest 39), a Honchkrow (also found in the sky), a Heracross (found near
the place where you fought the Suicune), a Kabutops (found in the place
where you jumped around in Raiku and Entei), a Probopass (found near the
place where you fought Entei), a Cherrim (caught in the place where you
see a Venusaur, use Suicune's Roar and he will jump out of the flowers)
and a Quagsire (found in a small island, to the right of the haunted
mansion, where you can only get by using Suicune), all at the same time.

------------------------------  Quest 15  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the second village, this woman is in the lower left house.

----- What do you have to do?

Approach the haunted mansion and, just near its door, head to the left.
You will have to fight three Pokemon. After you've defeat them, you'll
also get Mankey's sign, seen in the rock nearby.

------------------------------  Quest 16  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the second village, this woman is near the upper right corner, almost
on top of a wooden ceiling.

----- What do you have to do?

Go right, out of the village, then right twice, and up, to reach the ruins
you've visted before. Inside, follow the boy around until you manage to
talk to him.

------------------------------  Quest 17  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the beach from the very first village, this girl in a blue dress is in
the upper left corner.

----- What do you have to do?

Take the Lapras underwater. Go all the way down and you'll have to do a
mini-game with the Kingdra, and afterwards a battle.

------------------------------  Quest 18  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From a girl who is south of the house which was originally on fire.

----- What do you have to do?

Capture a Stunky, a Bibarel, a Mothim and a Gible.

------------------------------  Quest 19  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Guy near the entrance to the ruins where you fought an Entei.

----- What do you have to do?

Locate a stray Vulpix inside the ruins. After a battle, you'll also get
Vulpix's sign, as seen in the rock nearby.

------------------------------  Quest 20  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Guy inside the house, just near the tower where you fought a Raikou.

----- What do you have to do?

Locate some Beldum in this same tower. You'll have to fight them.

------------------------------  Quest 21  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From an old guy, north of the third village.

----- What do you have to do?

Bring him a Dunsparce (there's one in the very first cave).

------------------------------  Quest 22  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Second village, the old woman in the upper part of the village.

----- What do you have to do?

Find, and destroy, the three red barrel-like traps placed in this island.
They're to the right of the haunted house, all to the right of this same
village, and, finally, in the place where you jumped around with Raikou
and Entei. You'll need three Pokemon that can use "Cut".

------------------------------  Quest 23  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From a man in the area to the right of the second village.

----- What do you have to do?

Go up/right, to the area with all the Dusclops, and capture the Happiny
who is nearby. Bring it back to the man who asked for this quest.

------------------------------  Quest 24  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In first village's main square, from a kid on the right.

----- What do you have to do?

Go to the cavern you first visited and capture the Croagunk and the
Bidoof. You'll also get Bidoof's sign.

------------------------------  Quest 25  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the second village, from the woman in the upper right house.

----- What do you have to do?

Go the the haunted mansion, capture the Purugly and bring it back to the
woman who asked for this quest.

------------------------------  Quest 26  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Woman in the area right of the second village.

----- What do you have to do?

Talk to her again, and pick the option on the left. Chase all the Buneary
to the lower right corner.

------------------------------  Quest 27  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From a fisherman in the cliffs to the left of the haunted mansion.

----- What do you have to do?

From the second village, go all to the right (destroy the rocks with your
Entei) and continue following the only possible path. Soon, you'll fight a
battle, and your quest will also end.

------------------------------  Quest 28  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

After completing the game, and grabbing all the pieces of armor, go to the
third village and talk to the guy in the upper left house.

----- What do you have to do?

Go back to the house that was originally on fire. After the cutscene,
visit the monuments for Entei and Suicune and interact with the stone
tablets to fix them. As for Raikou, start by visiting the top mountain
where Zapdos was; next, go back to the very first cave you visited and the
tablet inside will now be fixed.

------------------------------  Quest 29  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Third village, from the old woman in the upper right side.

----- What do you have to do?

Bring her a Ludicolo (there's one in the ruins northwest of this place).

------------------------------  Quest 30  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Third village, talk to the old man in the upper right house.

----- What do you have to do?

Leave the house and make your way all to the right. After the cutscene,
go to the lower half of the pier and fight the Sneasel.

------------------------------  Quest 31  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Man placed to the right of the second village.

----- What do you have to do?

Talk to him again, and defeat his Hitmontop. After the battle, you get
Hitmontop's sign.

------------------------------  Quest 32  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Second village, woman in the middle of the place, the one that previously
prevented you from entering the cave.

----- What do you have to do?

Enter the cave nearby. Pass by the boulders by using your Entei, then jump
using your Raikou, and soon after you'll see a lone man. Talk to him,
complete the two battles and, finally, head back to the woman who asked
for this quest.

------------------------------  Quest 33  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the dungeon where you first saw an Articuno, this man can be found
inside a cottage.

----- What do you have to do?

Look around for a Ninetales and bring it back to him.

------------------------------  Quest 34  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Third village, old man in the lower left house.

----- What do you have to do?

Bring him an Electivire, the one from the place where you first saw a

------------------------------  Quest 35  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Third village, woman in the lower right corner.

----- What do you have to do?

Go back to the second village and talk to your "old friend" on the lower
left corner. Travel underwater and make your way to the lower section of
the cavern. After a pursuit mini-game, defeat some enemies in battle.

------------------------------  Quest 36  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the area north of the third village, talk to the woman in a pink shirt.

----- What do you have to do?

Look for a Vespiquen in the areas to your left and capture it. 

------------------------------  Quest 37  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From a man in the path between the house that was originally on fire and
the second village.

----- What do you have to do?

Capture the two Graveler present in an area nearby, and then you'll have
to fight a battle. Afterwards, you'll get Graveler's sign.

------------------------------  Quest 38  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the very first area of the volcano where you saw a Moltres, this is the
man in the green shirt.

----- What do you have to do?

Talk to him again, and then pursue Piplup to the lower left corner.

------------------------------  Quest 39  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the main square from the very first village, talk to the woman on the

----- What do you have to do?

Fly your Latios to where Pichu's island originally was. Capture the
Togekiss that will appear.

------------------------------  Quest 40  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Third village's pier, talk to the fisherman.

----- What do you have to do?

Head to the place next to where you first saw a Suicune and you'll see a
hole in the ground. Enter it, travel underwater and, after a mini-game,
capture the Lumineon. Come back to the man who requested this.

------------------------------  Quest 41  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

When you're in the second village, talk to the boy on the left.

----- What do you have to do?

Call your Entei, talk to the boy again and pick the left option. Destroy
all the rocks in this area and talk to the boy again.

------------------------------  Quest 42  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From a woman placed to the right of the long wodden bridge.

----- What do you have to do?

Go back to the first village and talk to the man in the lower right house,
before coming back to the same woman who asked for this.

------------------------------  Quest 43  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Near the place where you fought a Suicune, you'll see this guy in an
explorer suit.

----- What do you have to do?

capture an Azumarill (there's one near the huge waterfall) and bring it
back here.

------------------------------  Quest 44  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

When you're in the second village, talk to the boy on the left after
completing Quest 41.

----- What do you have to do?

Call your Entei, talk to the boy again and pick the left option. Destroy
all the rocks in this area and talk to the boy again. You'll have to fight
a battle.

------------------------------  Quest 45  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

From the second village, travel all to the right, in the back of your
Entei. Soon, you'll find this guy, he has a green shirt on.

----- What do you have to do?

Go up, onto the next area. You'll have to fight a battle, but you'll also
receive the Jumpluff sign.

------------------------------  Quest 46  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the path where you jumped around, using an Entei and a Raikou, you'll
find this man in a green shirt.

----- What do you have to do?

Talk to him again and pick the left option. Attract all the Drifloon to
a small peninsula near the lower left. Then, two battles will take place
and this quest will end.

------------------------------  Quest 47  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

Near the place where you fought a Suicune, you'll see this guy in an
explorer suit. Complete Quest 43 before this one.

----- What do you have to do?

Go to the area behind the waterfall and capture a Floatzel. Bring it back
to the guy who asked for this quest.

------------------------------  Quest 48  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

After completing the game, talk to the girl with blue hair inside the
house that was originally on fire.

----- What do you have to do?

After talking to her again, you'll have to play the energy ball mini-game,
and that's it.

------------------------------  Quest 49  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

After completing the game and getting all pieces of armor, in the village
where you fought a Celebi, enter the house near the beach and talk to the
old guy.

----- What do you have to do?

You'll have to find six Pichu, now spread all over the world, and bring
them back here, all at the same time. In case you need more help:

- The first is placed slightly to the right of this house. Board Entei,
   make him roar by press "Y", and he will jump from near the 

- The second is found in the bridge that leads to the place where you
  fought Raikou.

- The third is near the exit to the very first cave you've visited. It is
  hiding in a tree, so you may want to grab a nearby Stunky to get him

- The fourth is in the place which you used to jump to the submarine, in
  the very end of that trail.

- The fifth is near the waterfall, in the northern island.

- For the sixth, go to eastern island (yes, the volcano) and call your
  Latios again. As soon as you reach the skies, a cutscene will take place
  and you'll soon be able to grab this one.

Once you have all six in your party, get back to the person who requested

------------------------------  Quest 50  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

In the very first village, this guy is in the lower right house, after you
have completed Quest 42.

----- What do you have to do?

Bring him, at the same time, a Venusaur (you can find one in the area to
the left of the house that was originally on fire, take Suicune to the
left by the river), a Carnivine (found near where you fought a Suicune)
and a Vileplume (near the same place as the Carnivine, but you'll need a
very strong fire Pokemon to awaken it).

------------------------------  Quest 51  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

After completing the game and getting all pieces of armor,  talk to the
girl with blue hair inside the house that was originally on fire.

----- What do you have to do?

Bring her, at the same time, a Manectric, an Electivire, an Ampharos,
an Electrode (all these are found in the place where you saw a Zapdos) and
a Jolteon (found on top of the tower where you fought a Raikou). By doing
so, she'll be able to build a machine that makes it possible for you to
fight the bosses you've seen in the past!

------------------------------  Quest 52  ------------------------------

----- Where do you get it?

After completing every other quest, this person in a black suit will be
seen in third village's pier.

----- What do you have to do?

You have to locate three "old friends". If you need any help finding them,
you can read their locations below:

- The first is in the ice mountain, near the first avalanche; you gotta
  approach him and talk to him.

- The second is exactly in the long bridge, but you'll have to follow him
  (and a Sneasel) to the areas to your left. You'll see him again, talk to
  him, pick the option on the left, then go and catch the Sneasel. You'll
  also have to fight two Weavile.

- The third one is in the area behind the waterfall.

Get them all, in this very same order, and the quest will end.

That's all for this section, too...

2.2~. Multiplayer Missions

After you've met a Celebi, you'll reach a part of the game (I mentioned it
above, in my walkthrough) where you can take multiplayer missions. To
access them, simply approach the place where you first saw a Celebi,
interact with the stone shrine and you'll be taken to the past, where
these missions take place.

Be aware that There's no real online mode, and so you'd need a friend near
you to play them, but... fear not, you can also play most of them on your
own! To enter a mission, simply talk to the person in front of door, she
will ask you to save your game, and then you'll be able to pick the
mission you wanna take. All missions are timed, and you seem to get bonus
for completing them as quickly as possible. In case you're wondering on
what you have to do for these missions, well, they're all composed by two
parts, a first one where you have to capture X Pokemon, and a second one
where you have to defeat a boss. That's basically it, most missions are
pretty simple, and that's why I'm not going to give you a walkthrough for
this kind of thing. Oh, and if you can't seem to win a particular mission
(and believe me, that'll happen!), just try to upgrade the stats of your
Pokemon, and get some more levels in your characters.

2.3~. Ranger Net

This option, now available in the main screen, allows you to download and
play new missions. After selecting the bottom option from the main screen
you'll be shown the following options:

Download Special Mission
Play Special Mission   (If you've already transfered at least one mission)
Transfer Pokemon       (If you've already completed at least one mission)
Wi-Fi Configuration

I guess they're pretty explicit, but there's also a point that I should
really clear up. There are two kinds of missions that you can download
with this game, single and multiplayer ones. While the single ones can be
played here (you just have to select the second option, choose the mission
itself and play it), the multiplayer ones are different. For those, you
should head to the in-game multiplayer option (yes, the one I told you
about in the previous section of this guide) and select them over there,
they will be shown on the top sections of the listing, above all the
Multiplayer missions that you can actually play alone.

Now, below you'll see a listing of the downloadable missions, past and
present, alongside with information on their rewards and what exactly you
have to do in order to complete them.

--------- Deoxys and the Mysterious Temple -------------------------------

----- What's your reward?

One out of four possible Deoxys forms, which you can later transfer to the
main games.

----- What do you have to do?

No clue. This requires (and I mean it!) at least two players; if you try
to play it alone, you'll soon reach a place where you'd have to press two
switches at the same time, and you can't do that alone.

--------- Protect the Legendary Blue Orb ---------------------------------

----- What's your reward?

A Manaphy Egg, which you can transfer to one of the main games and will
later hatch into a... Manaphy. Duh.

----- What do you have to do?

After selecting this mission you'll see a cutscene where the egg is taken
away. You'll have to fight a Poochyena, and afterwards the mission will
oficially begin. A Lapras will take you underwater, as before. Start
following the bad guy to the bottom part of the sea and you'll soon have
to fight a Carvanha. The bad guy will retreat but he will also drop the
egg, meaning you'll have to play an underwater chase mini-game to recover
it. Soon, the Manaphy Egg will be brought back to the beach, and you'll
get to keep it as the mission ends.

--------- Investigate the Mysterious Eruption ----------------------------

----- What's your reward?

An Heatran, which you can transfer to one of the main games.

----- What do you have to do?

After selecting this mission you'll see a cutscene. Eventually, you'll be
taken to the volcanic area that you've (probably) visited before. Make
your way to the upper part of the volcano, but you can capture some of the
nearby creatures if you want. Along the way, you'll have to fight two
Charmeleon, and later pursue four Bidoof until they reach their owner.
After having seen a Heatran twice, take the upper left exit in the next
room (the one with three exit, plus the place you came from) and be sure
to capture some water pokemon. After doing so, go back to this area and,
this time, take the upper exit. Very soon, you'll reach the place where
you first saw a Moltres, and that's exactly where you'll have to fight the
Heatran you've just seen.

Against this Heatran your best bet is certainly using all the water
Pokemon you've captured before. He isn't all that strong, if you've
properly levelled up your character, and with help from your Pichu
(remember, he never takes any damaged) and your own water Pokemon this
battle won't be that hard. Just be careful with the lava circle that, from
time to time, your enemy will create below him; although it doesn't cause
that much damage, it'll make it a lot harder for you to even attempt to
capture him. When that happens, I suggest you simply lift your stylus and
try to attack the Heatran with your water creatures from far away. Sooner
than later, if you're strong enough, this enemy will go down.

Soon after you've captured Heatran, a longer cutscene will take place, and
then this mission will be all over.

--------- Protect the Lost Shaymin ---------------------------------------

----- What's your reward?

A Shaymin, which you can transfer to one of the main games.

----- What do you have to do?

After the initial cutscene, take the exit to your left. Follow by looking
for Shaymin around, that Pokemon will be hiding in the bushes and you'll
only be able to see its upper flowers (in my case, he was just near the
upper left bit of the bridge). Capture the nearby Pokemon, just in case,
call your Suicune and take the river to your right, to the area filled
with flowers. Now, you'll have to fight Shaymin. It's not that strong,
just be careful with the randomly-located spikes that it tends to summon
from time to time.

After the battle is over, a bunch of enemies will show up and Shaymin will
change its form. You'll fly in your Latias, in which you'll also have to
play the energy ball dodging mini-game twice, followed by a battle against
Shaymin's other form. Using Latias' support, you can simply charge your
stylus (hold it for a while before starting to encircle your opponent) and
attempt to capture this enemy as quickly as possible. Since you'll be
flying, it's not like you can go and ask for anyone's support... if this
battle just turns out being too difficult for you, maybe you should go and
give your character some more level ups. After the battle, this mission
will also be over.

--------- Giratina's Griseous Orb ----------------------------------------

----- What's your reward?

Girantina will be added to your game's Ranger Dex.

----- What do you have to do?

After the initial cutscene, pick the option on the left and you'll be
taken to an area that you've (possibly?) seen before. Grab the nearby
Raichu and the Umbreon, before taking the upper door; you may want to
explore the areas nearby for a bunch of powerful Pokemon. When you're
ready to proceed, take the middle door all the way up and you'll soon have
to fight a Girantina. She isn't all that tough if you have already
completed the main storyline, and by using your Umbreon for backup you'll
make this battle even easier. Soon afterwards, this mission will oficially

Take the lower exit and head back to the place where you've captured the
Raichu and the Umbreon. This time, take the lower exit and follow the only
possible path to the left. In the area with the brownish floor, take the
exit in the middle of the room (it's sort of hard, but try to understand
the movements of all enemies and you'll do fine), and the exit to the
right in the next one. After the cutscene, you'll be taken to another
place; there, take the upper exit and you'll have to fight two Magnezone,
following which you'll be taken, once more, to the area you were just in.
After the new cutscene, go back to the place where you first fought a
Girantina, and that Pokemon will soon change its form, leading to a whole
new boss battle. The battle is as easy as before, provided you use backup
from your Pichu and your Umbreon. After the battle, this mission ends.

--------- Arceus' Pledge -------------------------------------------------

----- What's your reward?

Girantina, Dialga, Palkia and Arceus will be added to your game's Ranger

----- What do you have to do?

As part of the initial cutscene, your mission will quickly begin. Take the
lower exit and follow the only possible path until you reach a room with
four exits. Follow the one on the left for a battle with Girantina (easy
if you take a ghost Pokemon, such as Gengar, with you). Then, take the
upper one; defeat some of the enemies to make two buttons appear, which
you should press to open a green portal. Take it and head up, to a place
where you'll have to fight a Dialga. Sure, he teleports around from time
to time, but since he tends to attack whatever's in front of him, try to
use some fighting Pokemon as backup from behind, and you'll do fine.

Next, take the door to the right, and make your way to the upper right,
where you'll have to fight a Palkia. Attack from behind, as you did
before, but you can also use a Tangrowth as backup (remember, there was
one just before Dialga's room). After this battle, go back to the place
where you began this mission, pick the option on the left and, after a
long cutscene and some potential spoilers, you'll finally have to fight
Arceus. His biggest strenght is certainly the fact that he will almost
constantly summon a protective spell, which rounds him and damages you
if you try to quickly encircle him. Nevertheless, if you have some
fighting Pokemon with you, their help is more than welcome; besides, your
Pichu should here be used as quickly (and as frequently) as possible,
since he just can't suffer any damage. Keep on fighting, drawing larger
circles whenever the enemy has the protection around him and quickly
encircling him whenever he loses that spell, and you'll eventually manage
to win this battle, which also leads to the end of this mission.

That's all for this section, too...

FAQ~. Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you will be able to read about some of the questions that people may
be wondering about this game, at least if I consider them to be slightly

Q: Are pokemon an it/she/he ?

A: Haven't got a clue, and that's probably one of the major problems in
   this guide, as I don't usually know how to mention them. So, you can
   just go and call them whatever you want.

Q: Why is it that you're always talking about a Latios? I have a Latias!

A: This depends on the sex of your main character. If you picked the guy,
   like I did, you'll start by getting a Latios. If you picked the girl,
   you'll get a Latias, and you'll be using her to fly around. No matter
   your selection, later you'll be able to get the other Pokemon, but
   apparently you can only fly around in the one bound to the sex of your

Q: Where do I find [insert Pokemon (minus Honchkrow and Togekiss) here] ?

A: Seriously, don't ask me about this sort of thing. While I included that
   sort of information in my guide for the previous games, this time I
   decided against doing so. If you need help finding any creature, head
   to and you'll certainly find your answer.

Q: Honchkrow and Togekiss sure are fast. Do you have any tips you can give
   me, on how to capture these Pokemon?

A: Actually, I do. Before starting to draw the Latios sign, power charge
   your styler. By doing so, the line will become rainbow-like, and the
   Pokemon you summon will usually be stronger/faster than usual, making it
   easier for your Latios to reach those fast enemies.

Q: How do I add flying (as in, flying IN THE SKY) Pokemon to my party?

A: To do that, you first have to fly (either in a Honchkrow or a Lati@s)
   up in the sky and complete a battle against the one you want to add to
   your party. Then, visit the person in a white suit, who is just near
   the third village's pier and, if you have at least an empty spot in
   your party, you'll be shown some of the last flying Pokemon you've
   battled. Choose the one you want to capture and it'll be added to your
   party right away.

Q: What is [insert Ranger Sign here] for?

A: This game presents you with four different kinds of signs. The first
   merely summons a creature that you can ride (the case of Raikou, Entei,
   Suicune and Latios/Latias). The second, if used in the same place where
   you fought that same creature, allows you to replay that boss battle
   (the case of Ho-Oh, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Lugia). The third
   type simply summons a particular creature, and it'll then act as your
   companion, as if you had caught it in the wild. Finally, the fourth
   kind of sign simply brings your current Pokemon from the Multiplayer
   Missions to the real world.

Q: Hey, why don't you tell us about all the Ranger Signs?

A: Mostly because this is simply a walkthrough, it's not supposed to cover
   all the aspects of the game. I included the ones that are actually
   required to complete the game, and you get to see them in the actual

Q: Why don't you state the names of each area, instead giving references
   to their characteristics?

A: I wrote this guide based on the Japanese version of "Pokemon Ranger:
   Hikari no Kiseki", and it is obvious that all location names will be
   changed in the Western releases. Therefore, and in order not to change
   a bunch of details when the game is released outside Japan, I decided
   to include only the names of Pokemon, since those are all confirmed,
   and rely on reference points for everything else. It may not sound
   perfect, but this way I'm certain that anyone will understand what I'm
   talking about, when I give directions to a particular area.

Q: Is it possible to fight against a particular boss again?

A: Yes, it is. After completing Quest 51, you gain access to a machine
   that allows you to replay battles against past bosses. If you can't
   find the boss you seek in there - which happens in the case of the
   three legendary birds, Ho-Oh and Lugia - you should go back to the
   place where you first fought them and 

You can also contribute your own questions, if I find them relevant enough
I will add them to this section.

ST~. Special Thanks

I want to thank the following people:

- Everyone who made this game;

- , for several information on this game;

- goldenix_, for information on how to capture Honchkrow and Togekiss;

- kiera2, for some help concerning one of the downloadable missions;

- Everyone who likes my works, it's for those people that I like to work
  in this type of project.

EN~. Contacts

already be covered in there.
My e-mail is Mykas0 [at] , use the following subject or I will
NEVER (AND I MEAN IT!) reply back to you:

Subject: "PR3 FAQ"

You should use it for asking anything or giving me more info for this faq,
obviously I will credit you!

Thanks and until a next version!

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